Take a bow...Joanna Lumley.
The OCC takes pride in searching out the finest Indian restaurants and providing impartial reviews of Curry Houses all over the world.
Members vote anonymously without being influenced by other members (we call this “no swaying”) on 5 categories, and an average score out of a maximum 10 is given to each restaurant we review.
On Thursday 23rd July – The OCC visited the Gurkha Palace, Chander Road
For full transparency, see below scores (out of 10).. Restaurants must score an average of 7/10 or above to receive the OCC sticker of recommendation.
Quality: 6.7
Customer Care:6.9
Value: 8.2
Service: 6.65
Overall: 7.0
Gurkha Palace IS AWARDED the OCC badge of recommendation with value seemingly saving the day
There was an interesting Meme circulating about a month ago that highlighted the life’s best beers. It included: Christmas morning, the airport pre holiday pint and many others. If I was a social media influencer I would propose the best curries of all time to be as follows:
The team curry as part of a sporting tour of a Northern England Town – in my case cricket tour to Wigan
The weekend curry before going away to Uni (with a goldfish in a pint glass as the fair is in town)
The stag weekend breakaway group curry – usually with older members of the group who prefer curry to nightclubs
The Turkey curry – one of the few highlights between Christmas and New Year
The Take away curry the night after – the Turkey curry not having sufficiently scratched the itch
and now – the highlight of most months – The OCC monthly curry………..
2020 has been a really terrible year. The OCC are not unaffected and dreams of popping Dom and Cristal at the Marina Bay Sands joint are a distant memory. Reasonably priced curries in Little India are now en vogue and by the end of the year members will know racecourse road like the back of their hand.
Onto Gurkha Palace – first things first – the British love Gurkhas. They have fought side by side in many World Wars and battles and largely thanks to Joanna Lumley the Gurkhas living in the UK pre 1997 were granted the same right to stay at Commonwealth civilians. So praise to Joanna Lumley for of all the good she did for the Gurkhas.
The Falklands War had begun. Britain was unprepared, and as she had done so many times in the past, Britain called up her toughest military unit, The Brigade of Gurkhas. The Brigade commander was called in to Army Headquarters to be briefed on their mission.
"You will need to get your force together within ten days," said the general.
"Not necessary," said the Gurkha commander. "We're ready now."
"Marvelous! Sleeping quarters will be arranged for you on board the HMS Invincible," said the general.
"No need. We'll sleep on the deck," said the Gurkha commander.
"Even better!" said the general. "We'll be sure to provision the ship's mess with enough food for a six weeks expedition."
"Thank you, sir," said the Gurkha commander. "But we'll be fine with our packets of dried yak jerky."
"Splendid," said the general. "Now, as you see on the map, you will assault into the drop zone from the northeast, at 3,000 feet."
"That's too high," said the Gurkha commander. "You'd better make it 500 feet."
"Five hundred feet?" said the general. "But at such a low altitude there won't be enough time for your men's parachutes to open and slow your jump!"
"Oh!" said the Gurkha commander. "We get parachutes?"
The Gurkha Palace was a suitably impressive venue for the July OCC meet – Little India edition. Much like some of the stately homes of Lord Longleat and other wealthy heirs – the upkeep on these places is where you really feel the squeeze. The Gurkha Palace has decided to invest wisely in beautiful Himilayan Photography, a private booth for elicit curry hookups with someone else’s wife and clearly ran out of budget when finishing the khazis. Nothing too bad but certainly not palacial. The atmosphere and ambiance was relaxed, filled with laughter and groups that were certainly enjoying themselves too much to worry about the tasteless language
From a personal perspective I enjoyed the meal immensely save for one Lamb dish which didn’t seem the freshest – this was 1 dish of about 11 so it nit picking. The portions were considerable and the volume of food left was astonishing.
So well done to the Gurkha Palace – 7.0 getting the much coveted sticker – sneaking over the line helped by value – more important than ever for Singapore OCC members at this tough time. Look after each other and see you all at the next meet.